In the photo, there is a group of children working together on a task. The children are leaning over a table, which has notebooks and sheets of paper on it. Each child is holding a pencil, and it seems that they are collaboratively solving a task or working on a project. In the background, there is a bright room with a ceiling lit by lamps.

Ideas for group work – a moment of respite for the teacher


This blog post is designed for teachers and educators working with groups of children. We’ve compiled a variety of effective group activities that promote social and educational development while also giving you a moment of respite.

Group work helps children:

– Develop social skills like communication and cooperation

– Build decision-making skills and independence

– Share thoughts and learn from each other, fostering empathy

– Motivate and support one another, boosting confidence

– Manage responsibilities and time effectively

– Enjoy collaboration and achieve common goals

Given these benefits, it’s essential to incorporate group work into your daily activities. Here are some engaging ideas beyond the usual formats.

Group Activity Ideas

1. Board Games: Create board games using flashcards arranged in shapes. Divide students into groups to move around and name the pictures or words they land on. You can also design custom games to use in future lessons.

2. Noughts and Crosses: Lay out flashcards and have children use sticky notes to mark their choices. The goal is to get three in a row while naming each flashcard.

3. Millionaires: Set up flashcards with hidden toy money underneath. Groups call out coordinates to reveal and name the flashcards, earning “money” for correct answers.

4. Pair Searching: Spread cards with pictures and words randomly. Children race to find matching pairs, with a twist: they stop when the teacher shouts “freeze!” for a fun check.

5. Chinese Whispers on Your Back: In pairs, students draw a word or picture on the back of the person in front, with the first in line revealing the drawing at the end.

6. Throwing Paper Balls: Create paper balls with vocabulary words. Groups throw them across a line and then name the items inside the balls they collect.

These activities not only support your students’ development but also bring joy and foster community. Remember to adapt the activities to your learners’ age and level to maximize engagement and interaction.

For even more options, our ENmaven English Worksheets and Lesson Plans for Teachers are full of different group games that can enhance your classroom experience. Enjoy the positive energy that comes from working together!

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